May 4, 2010

I Have Something to Say!

Hi everyone,

Well, here we are on a brand new blog.  Many of you may know me as Puglette from Puglette Ponders.  I will continue that blog as a showcase for my dogs and my life as a crazy pug lady.  I am starting this new blog to try to get more of my life out in writing.  I have a lot of funny anecdotes, thoughts and ideas to share about my past, present and future.  I hope you won't mind and I hope you will come back to read more and get to know me.

This morning I had as I was reading my favorite blogs I had a thought...I know, shocking.  I was reading my pal JD's post about Drag Queens.  As I was formulating my comment in my head I realized that my comment would be rather long as I had a story to share.  Here's the thought:  I have stuff to share and I think other people may want to read it.  I understand that this is a bit vain, but I really do have some fun and interesting stuff to write about.  I also realized that I want to write about more than my dogs.

Now don't get me wrong, I love writing about those crazy dogs.  They are a huge part of my life.  I have two of them snoring on my lap as i type this.  But I also love words.  I love them so much!!  I love to read them and write them.  I like to learn about them and share them.  I have to have a book to read, even if I am not reading it at the moment.  You just don't know when the mood will strike to read and I must be prepared. is the story I wanted to share on JD's blog I Do Things.  Please go read her post about drag queen's if you haven't already.  It's very funny and will give you two new motto's to live by.

When I graduated from high school I was adrift like many people my age.  I had no idea what to do with myself.  After some thought I decided to go to cosmetology school with my niece.  Yes, beauty school.  School was loads of fun, there were quite a few crazy characters in the class.

One of the fun events we participated in was a hairstyle competition.  We practiced and practiced on our rubber doll heads.  We also got to practice on the victim friend we selected to be our model.  I chose my niece as she is a lovely woman and has fabulous hair.  Thick and long with tons of body.  The absolute opposite of mine.  Anyway, I thought I had a winning hairstyle and was really pleased with myself.

But the winner of the competition was a young gay man.  His model was stunning.  She had long, flowing black hair and beautiful features.  She was a very petite Asian woman and had a beautiful kimono and the traditional sandals to go with it.  She was absolutely lovely.  She looked like a winner.  She made my sweet hairstyle with its braids and curls and baby pink rosebuds look like Pippi Longstocking's braids!

The following school day the class was abuzz with rumour and speculation.  Was the beautiful Asian girl really a boy???  Was she a drag queen friend of the stylist?  Could she really tuck everything away?  How can she walk like that? YES!!  She was really a He.  All of the competitors were in a huff.  The competition rules stated that the model was to be a female.  But...but...that person had a penis!  The judges did not know what to do.   I didn't care, the hair was perfect and so was the costume.  A winner is a winner, with or without panties.

So there we go, post Number One.  I hope you will come back to visit again.  I have more wacky adventures to share and also just plain thoughts and musings.  This blog, like me, is a work in progress.
Thanks for stopping by!
Crabby Pants Judy


  1. Hi Judy, thanks for sharing your story. I look forward to more.


  2. Hi there! Don't know if I've ever commented there, but I've been to Puglette Ponders :) So cute! The gratitude posts came from a friend of mine on facebook, who stole it from a friend of hers, .... so now a few of my friends are doing it on facebook, I'm just also posting it on blogspot.

  3. We came to take a peek- looks like a nice place to sit and read and share!
    tweedles mom

  4. I think the prettiest hairdo deserved to win, regardless of gender!

  5. JD at I Do ThingsMay 6, 2010 at 6:03 AM


    As much as I would have loved for this comment to be part of my blog, I'm SO glad you struck out and made it all your own.

    I agree: Panties or not, the best hairdo'd contestant should have won.

    And thanks for the shout out. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

  6. I agree, the best hairdo should win! What a great story, and I bet you have tons more. I love the name of your blog and so glad to see you writing more about your stories.

  7. Awesome first post. And yes, who needs panties if you have fabulous hair? JD told me about you and your blog name intrigued me. Congrats on your inaugural blog. :)


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